Profile image for High-Performance Fuel Cell Technology - Targeted Development and Industrialized Production for Long-Haul and Heavy-Duty Applications

High-Performance Fuel Cell Technology - Targeted Development and Industrialized Production for Long-Haul and Heavy-Duty Applications

Wednesday February 26, 2025 14:40 - 15:05 KraussMaffei - Auditorium

Speaker: Nicholas Loughlan (cellcentric GmbH & Co. KG)

Subject: Wednesday February 26, 2025

Climate change is no myth! A CO2 neutral world of transportation can only be achieved with a dual strategy: green electricity & green hydrogen. We answer three important “Why?”-questions: Why hydrogen? Why fuel cell systems in long-haul and heavy-duty transport? Why cellcentric? In our first “All under one roof” factory in Esslingen (Germany) we scale up to large-volume fuel cell system production. With NextGen, cellcentric’s next fuel cell generation, other applications are coming into focus in addition to long-haul and heavy-duty transport - e.g. coaches, the rail, marine, construction and agricultural machinery sectors, other heavy-duty applications, and stationary power generation.


Profile image for Nicholas Loughlan

Nicholas Loughlan Speaker

cellcentric GmbH & Co. KG