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From Catalysts to Circularity: Precious Metals in PEM fuel cells

Wednesday February 26, 2025 15:10 - 15:25 KraussMaffei - Auditorium

Speaker: Stefan Oehmen (Heraeus Precious Metals)

Subject: Wednesday February 26, 2025

Fuel cells rely on advanced manufactured materials and the use of high value raw materials such as Platinum Group Metals (PGMs). The unrivaled stability and activity provided by PGMs play a crucial role to PEM fuel cells systems. 

This presentation will delve into the remarkable world of precious metals and their transformative impact on the fuel cell industry. 

Heraeus actively supports the entire lifetime of PGMs in the fuel cell from sourcing the materials, to offering innovative catalyst solutions for PEM fuel cells and the recycling at the end of life to close the precious metals loop.  


Profile image for Stefan Oehmen

Stefan Oehmen Speaker

Global Head of Business Development
Heraeus Precious Metals